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7 Adorable Photo Display Ideas for Telling Your Stories in Pictures

By HomeBNC • Updated on 2023-08-24

Family photos personalize your home while also spruce up your home decor in a meaningful, charming way. Photos of you, your spouse, your kids, your pets, relatives and friends, the places you have been, and the things you have done are among the important accessories that turn cold, impersonal living spaces into a home. When you look at a photo wall, though, you might see that the shapes and sizes of the photos are varied, and they might be arranged so that repeated shapes and colors lead your eye from one image to another, but the order of the arrangement is random.

7 Lovely Photo Display Ideas Your Whole Family will Adore

Photo Display Ideas

Each photo in the arrangement stands alone, isolated, with no meaningful connection between it and the one you were looking at previously or the one you will look at next. The arrangement of the photos might create a pleasing design artistically, but it lacks the depth of an emotional connection. That type of arrangement can become the type of arrangement that, overtime, you and your guests simply walk past without seeing it any longer.

You can give your photo wall more emotional impact by using it to display your photos in a way that shows change and tells a story. Even better, you can display your photos in ways that allow you to quickly add new photos so that the story you are telling becomes an ongoing, ever changing one. Make it more meaningful by turning your photo wall into a family project by giving each family member a space to create and display his or her own story with younger family members receiving an assist from Mom or Dad.

Everyone wants to know what happens next in a story. Curious guests will flock to your photo wall to view the latest episodes, and you will be looking for new episodes to add. Your photo wall can become a constant source of entertainment for you, your family, and your guests.

1. Photo Display Ideas to Frame Shorts

Photo Display Ideas to Frame Shorts

Display short photo stories or novel chapters in vertical rectangular frames finished to match your décor or your stories. Your guests and family members will absolutely adore this design!

2. Put a Ring Around Your Photo Story

Put a Ring Around Your Photo Story

Another simple, inexpensive and elegant way to frame your favorite photos. This style is perfect for displaying charming wedding photos or circle of life stories that you want to see every single day.

3. Climbing the Ladder photo display Ideas

Climbing the Ladder photo display Ideas

You can create an eye-catching photo story wall even in a narrow space, and this project is the perfect proof. Hang a ladder on your wall, and display the steps of your story on the steps of the ladder. Use this idea for stories of any kind of success whether it’s an outer success, like an award, or a personal success that’s significant to you.

4. Free Association Story Photo Display

Free Association Story Photo Display

If you have a group of pictures that sort of go together as a story, but it’s more of a story created by free association rather than a linear one, this string-art style display idea, with it’s many interconnecting paths, might be the perfect way to display your pictures and show the relationships between them.

5. Photo Display Ideas for Stories of Growth

Photo Display Ideas for Stories of Growth

This idea also fits a narrow space, so it’s perfect even if you live in a tiny apartment. Measure photo stories of growth with a vintage folding ruler. You can continue the vintage theme by clipping your photos to the ruler with spring clothespins. Your story could be the literal physical growth of a child or of your family, but it could also be a more figurative story of growth.

6. Accentuate the Story-Telling, Minimize the Frame

Accentuate the Story-Telling, Minimize the Frame

Minimalist photo display ideas like this one require only four large buttons, four thumbtacks, a hot glue gun or jewelry cement, spring clothespins, and cord, wire, or whatever you choose to support your pictures. Clipping the clothespins only at the top left and bottom right of each picture creates a rhythmic repetition that leads the eye without being boringly repetitious.

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