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29 Festive DIY Christmas Yarn Decor Ideas to Personalize Your Holiday Decorations

By HomeBNC • Updated on 2023-09-01

With the best DIY yarn Christmas decor, you can put your personality into your decorations in a unique and fashionable way.

Decorating for the holidays doesn’t have to be a stressful endeavor when you opt for more DIY projects rather than just buy everything from the store. You can create something that you’re proud to show off, or you can even use some projects to bring the family together with many of the projects kid-friendly in design. There are so many roads to travel down when creating holiday works out of yarn too that you’re bound to find something you enjoy.

29 Great DIY Christmas Yarn Decorations for Your Next Project

Best DIY Yarn Christmas Decor

You can create some amazing wreaths that will last a long time. Or you can opt for some safe, kid and pet-friendly yarn ornaments that you won’t fear being knocked down. These are also a fun way for kids to customize their own ornaments to hang up too, making the holidays even more exciting for them as they can feel involved in everything.

In other cases, the use of yarn is a simpler approach and a way to play around with coloring and style around the home. Some pieces of work have a cute rustic feel to it that can work alongside the rest of your home’s décor, if needed. Others may add a touch more color and life to your decorations instead. These don’t just include creating miniature trees and ornaments either. Rather, you can take some classic themes like gnomes and transform them into something that is far more modern and thrilling to make and look at.

If you are any bit uncertain about where to begin, then our list of some of the best DIY yarn Christmas decor ideas should help you get started.

1. Pink Theme Yarn Christmas Tree

Pink Theme Yarn Christmas Tree

Sometimes all you need to round out your décor is a smaller Christmas tree. You don’t need to buy one though when you can use yarn to create a tree that balances out elegance and quirkiness at the same time. This tree features various shades of pink, and it is definitely a unique option when it comes to decorating for the holiday at hand. It is a perfect way for everything to stand out, however, making anyone that comes into your home stop and stare. This is also a worthwhile route to take if you have other decorations around that focus on the same coloring style.

2. Boho Inspired DIY Winter Wreath

Boho Inspired DIY Winter Wreath

So, you want to stick with your boho theme, but you still wish to decorate for the upcoming winter holidays? Well, you can do it all with this cool DIY wreath. It’s a rather affordable project that can enhance something as simple as an embroidery hoop into a winter marvel using some strips of fabric and yarn. You can toss in as much holiday flavor as you’d like if you want to add some slight pops of color to the piece. The yarn looks absolutely lovely hanging down, urging anyone to come closer for another look. This is a handmade wreath that will proudly out while also firmly bringing your home into the winter season.

3. Kid-Friendly Yarn Christmas Tree Ornaments

Kid-Friendly Yarn Christmas Tree Ornaments

Kids always want to help to decorate the tree, especially putting the ornaments on, but you can make things more exciting for them by having them create ornaments. These are safe too since they are made out of yarn, so there is no worry about them dropping and breaking them. You can cut out stencils whether shaped like letters, animals, or anything else your creative mind can come up with. Simply wrap things up in yarn to come away with some awesome homemade Christmas yarn decor that will hang up all season long as long as you have your tree up.

4. DIY Yarn Spun Christmas Trees

DIY Yarn Spun Christmas Trees

Yarn Christmas trees have such a delightful appearance, and with them being more small-scale, you can create numerous trees to leave around the home. You can opt for any color of yarn, but white just manages to stand out so much more in an elegant way. It blends well with just about any type of decorations too so that you can fit these handmade trees better into what you already have. Don’t be afraid to add some more to the trees too such as ribbons and a topper so that they better resemble typical Christmas trees.

5. Easy and Fun Pom Pom Garland

Easy and Fun Pom Pom Garland

With a pom pom garland, you can create a decoration that anyone, especially children, will be eager to reach out and touch. The use of yarn makes the garland appear more magical, if possible. It can effortlessly create a whimsical vibe fitting for the Christmas holiday. These are more simplistic too not just in how you make them, but how they look in the end. There’s enough space between each of them that the garland can hang up among other decorations without overwhelming anything. This even looks sweet hanging up in a children’s room to add some holiday décor to their space as well.

6. DIY Yarn Winter Wonderland Tree

DIY Yarn Winter Wonderland Tree

White trees are all the rage when it comes to decorating for the holidays, and this may be among the coolest handmade yarn Christmas home decor ideas. The use of yarn is nothing short of incredible with this project. It gives off the emphasis you need to create that winter vibe in your home. The yarn hangs wonderfully below the trees, giving it that more unique touch. You can even consider using a different combination of colors to create a particular feel if you wish, further personalizing these awesome trees so that you have fun, conversation-starting Christmas decorations for the season.

7. DIY Rustic Christmas Yarn Wreath

DIY Rustic Christmas Yarn Wreath

Wreaths are a constant when it comes to decorating for the holidays, but you don’t need the standard, colorful wreaths when you can create your own with strategic uses of yarn. With the right types of hoops, you can completely fill up a wreath with nothing but yarn, even leaving some strips hanging to get a different effect. Or you can opt to just place pieces of yarn on a blank grapevine wreath. This can be a lovely, minimalistic way to go about using yarn while still having something that is a touch more traditional in appearance.

8. Sweet DIY Yarn Tassel Tree

Sweet DIY Yarn Tassel Tree

Using yarn to create a tassel look is a sweet way to add some texture to your holiday decorations. This sticks with a minimalistic theme as well as keeping colors far more neutral. Overall, the piece has a unique look about it while still capturing the feel of the traditional Christmas tree thanks to the tassel design. A simple stick comes in handy at finishing the look. Nothing else is needed from there as the all-white background and white frame provide a hint of contrast with the off-white yarn. This can look well hung up in any room in the house in need of some extra decorations.

9. DIY Yarn Pom Poms Christmas Tree

DIY Yarn Pom Poms Christmas Tree

Yarn can go a long way into creating décor that truly stands out as in the case with these cute mini Christmas trees. They are the perfect way to fill up some empty space on a console or coffee table, more so with multiple little trees that blend well to form a forest of sorts. The yarn itself is more of off-white color, and this works effortlessly with the bold white mini pom-poms all around the tree. They come across much like ornaments on the tree too. Despite not using any colors besides shades of white, the tree can blend well with other traditional items.

10. Miniature Yarn Winter Hat Ornaments

Miniature Yarn Winter Hat Ornaments

Nothing says “cute” as much as these adorable mini winter hats. These have the traditional winter beanie hat look about them that anyone can find appealing. Also, they are small enough that they easily fit onto a Christmas tree of any size. In fact, their size makes it simple to add several of them to the tree as custom ornaments. They are a great way to show off some personality this holiday season. Also, the hats are made in a large variety of colors. This can help make them even more distinctive as the colors are designed to pop.

11. Yarn Wrapped Nativity Christmas Ornament

Yarn Wrapped Nativity Christmas Ornament

For anyone looking to add that nativity touch to their Christmas decorations, this handmade ornament does the trick. This provides your tree with a layer of uniqueness that will capture anyone’s attention. It’s as simple as they come through while being appealing. The bright yellow yarn works well in this regard as it highlights the focal point of the decorative people on the front. It is such a cute nativity decoration that the whole family can join in together to create. Furthermore, it can last for multiple seasons, making this perfect for your holiday tree décor year after year.

12. Bright and Festive Holiday Yarn Wreath

Bright and Festive Holiday Yarn Wreath

A Styrofoam ring has never looked more appealing than it does being transformed into this holiday wreath. Going for traditional colors like red allows this wreath to draw the eye as well so anyone who comes to your home can admire it. The white yarn does well at providing a break in the coloring too, giving it more life rather than it being a simple single color design. Meanwhile, the felt faux flower is a good stand-in for the usual greenery found in common wreaths. They match with the festivities seamlessly, and the green leaves work perfectly at providing even more contrast in terms of coloring.

13. Red and White Yarn Candy Canes

Red and White Yarn Candy Canes

Who doesn’t think about candy canes around the holidays? You don’t have to leave these delicious treats lying about, however, when you can instead make some faux candy canes out of yarn. This way, you can make them as large or as small as you’d like. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about them ever expiring (or anyone’s sticky fingers snatching them up). They remain the way you made them, serving as cool décor all season long. You can lie these around the home or even slip them into a vase so that they stay together as holiday-themed bouquets.

14. DIY Tassel Tree Card Holder

DIY Tassel Tree Card Holder

Christmas cards are lovely gifts from friends and family or even a joyful tradition within your own household. No matter, you can have a far nicer place to put holiday cards with this DIY cardholder. The yarn gives this a charming appearance, as does the cute beaded garland. There are many color patterns you can aim for depending on how you wish to decorate for the holidays. It is the perfect piece to highlight your Christmas cards every year, placing them in such a way so that it can serve as a place to get lost in fun memories. Or, if you don’t take Christmas photos yourself, it is a wonderful holder for cards from friends and loved ones.

15. DIY Yarn Macrame Christmas Ornaments

DIY Yarn Macrame Christmas Ornaments

Fill up your tree with handmade ornaments made in a macrame style. The macrame style is such a versatile way to go about creating different pieces that you are bound to make more than enough to cover the entire tree. You can make ornaments shaped exactly like trees, or you can create some awesome-looking snowflakes. With the use of white yarn, they can stand out further if used on a green Christmas tree. These don’t just have to be hung on the tree though as you can freely hang these up in various places around your home to bring the holiday spirit to life all around.

16. Cute Grinch Themed Christmas Gnome

Cute Grinch Themed Christmas Gnome

This grinch gnome may be one of the best DIY yarn Christmas decor projects if you want something that is both traditional and distinctive. The grinch comes across as such an obvious, yet still exciting, choice when anyone wants to decorate for the holidays. However, you don’t have to buy one from the store when you can make one that will stand out even more. The right color yarn can go a long way into creating this exceptional version of the grinch, and the result can even look like something you purchased rather than a decorative item you made.

17. Cute and Simple Yarn Christmas Trees

Cute and Simple Yarn Christmas Trees

If you are looking for some simple yarn projects to do with kids, then these Christmas trees are a safe option to try out. They are small, adorable, and are able to help bring in the holidays with childlike joy. The use of real sticks really helps to sell this as trees too so that there is a more natural feel to the project. One the sticks are together and the yarn is all laid out, you can freely decorate the tree with just about anything. Tiny buttons work well on creating a sense of ornaments hanging along with the trees, and you can opt for different colors, perhaps even ones that fit with your larger Christmas tree to better match it.

18. Shaggy Rope Yarn Christmas Tree

Shaggy Rope Yarn Christmas Tree

Decorating for Christmas doesn’t have to just be fanciful or elegant looking. In fact, with rope or yarn, you can come up with some awesome rustic-like decorations that won’t look out of place if you have a style that leans more toward farmhouse or rural in terms of looks. It is an adorable little tree too, and depending on how tall you wish to make it, there is plenty of room for you to attach some lights to further show off your creation. Feel free to also add on anything to the top to nail this Christmas tree down such as a star or other mini topper.

19. Rustic Yarn Tassel Christmas Tree

Rustic Yarn Tassel Christmas Tree

Some incredible handmade yarn Christmas home decor ideas start with something that is more rustic and easily able to add a touch of rural charm to your decorations. Take this yarn tassel Christmas tree, for instance. There is such simplicity behind it, but it still manages to capture attention as a distinctive piece of artwork. It has a natural feel to it too to help give it a more outdoorsy vibe, especially considering that you can add on a real wooden stick to serve as the trunk of the tree. Even if you lack a real Christmas tree in your home, this can work as the next best thing on a smaller scale.

20. DIY Christmas Gnome Ornaments with Yarn Trees

DIY Christmas Gnome Ornaments with Yarn Trees

Gnomes and ornaments go hand-in-hand with the Christmas holidays, so why not combine them together to create some attention-grabbing decorations? These gnomes are absolutely marvelous to look at. If you don’t want to hang these little guys up, you can use them to set up a miniature winter wonderland instead. The yarn trees are ideal for helping to build up the scene while giving everything a nice, homely feel it. You can easily place this all on a table, making the set up a centerpiece for the rest of your holiday decorations.

21. Yarn Wrapped Decorative Picture Frames

Yarn Wrapped Decorative Picture Frames

Picture frames can be nice in their own right, but a great way to add more to your holiday decorations is by creating a DIY picture frame. This is a straightforward project since the main items you need include basic frames and a good deal of yarn. From there, all that is left to do is wrap up the frames. You can give it a good thickness so that it stands out even more. As it is the Christmas season, feel free to choose some lighter coloring like cool gray tones or shades of white for your choice of yarn. This way, you can slip in some winter-themed photos, and they blend well with the frame at hand.

22. DIY Yarn Wrapped Yule Goat Julbock

DIY Yarn Wrapped Yule Goat Julbock

Want to add some Scandinavian excitement to your Christmas decorations? The Yule goat is always a nice way to go about that. But why settle for something typical when you can create something that is far more interesting to look at? This can even be a fun project for the whole family as it can help kids connect more with the holiday spirit by making something that will be shown to everyone who visits your home. This is the perfect project too to whip out various colors of yarn. The more colors you use, the thicker and more lively this Yule goat will come across.

23. Stunning String and Gems Christmas Tree

Stunning String and Gems Christmas Tree

Anyone craving some uniqueness with their holiday decorations can enjoy these amazing string Christmas trees. There is an intricacy found within these trees in terms of their appearance. With how the string is laid out, the trees have a sense of flow that makes them appear more multi-dimensional. It doesn’t just stop there though. Besides the cone shape fitting well with how a traditional Christmas tree looks, there are tiny little adhesive gems added to the trees that give them some more brightness. They look as though the tree is swimming in shiny ornaments. This way, it’s not just your main tree that’s decorated and ready for the holidays.

24. Macrame Inspired Yarn Star Ornament

Macrame Inspired Yarn Star Ornament

Homemade ornaments provide your Christmas tree with something that is far more personal and meaningful. This yarn star has a whimsical and elegant feel to your holidays. Best of all, the use of white yarn makes this bright and attention-grabbing. At the same time, this coloring doesn’t negatively impact the other decorations you have on your tree. It can fit in far easier without becoming lost in the background. Additionally, the star is a nice size so that multiple ones can go on the Christmas tree without overwhelming anything. Also, thanks to the empty space in the center, the lights shine through beautifully.

25. Beautiful Tassel Christmas Tree Garland

Beautiful Tassel Christmas Tree Garland

Stringing up garland is a long-standing tradition when it comes to Christmas. This handmade tassel garland manages to twist that tradition in a unique way. There is an understated elegance found with this. The wooden beads work well at separating the trees, giving the garland a bit more flow. Meanwhile, the tinier gold beads at the top o the tassel trees grant the piece that bit of sophistication fitting for chic Christmas décor. The pale green yarn also works wonders on not overly brightening up the garland with too much color.

26. Yarn Reindeer Pom Poms Garland

Yarn Reindeer Pom Poms Garland

These cute reindeer pals make for a perfect addition to any room in your home to kick off the holidays. The pom-poms are also a wonderful delight for children, and they can fit in with other yarn-based decorations you may have. They are simple, yet effective, especially if you hang the names of each reindeer underneath the corresponding pom poms. This is what makes it both a teaching tool and something to admire for children. Because of the consistent neutral color scheme throughout, the garland can blend well alongside any decorative theme you’re going with whether you are aiming for something traditional or non-traditional.

27. DIY Pom Pom Yarn Garland

DIY Pom Pom Yarn Garland

A pom-pom is such a cute choice for decorating with, and for those of you who are in need of simpler homemade Christmas yarn decor projects. It is easy enough to buy these in the store, but it is not nearly as fun to create them yourself in the exact color you wish to better blend with your home holiday decorations. As long as these adorable things are tied tightly, they will hang well, creating a distinctive garland that you can drape across anything in your home from a fireplace mantle to a doorway.

28. Paper Plate Snowflake Yarn Art

Paper Plate Snowflake Yarn Art

Finding handy projects for the whole family is what helps make the holidays even more joyful and exciting. Paper plate art is simply awesome to do, and it can help you come away with some nice homemade Christmas yarn decor. Since these are snowflakes, you can come up with a host of different design styles and even use various colors so that each snowflake proudly stands out from one another. Feel free to hang these up too along the walls, especially in children’s rooms to bring some more holiday cheer.

29. Awesome Nail String Christmas Art

Awesome Nail String Christmas Art

String art is certainly a fascinating way to add decorations to your home. It can be a fun project for children and adults alike, and it is a great way to do something that is a bit different from the usual when it comes to decorating for Christmas. Nail whatever pattern you wish, but the Christmas tree is a go-to if you want to get into the holiday spirit. If you or someone you know has the skills, you can create other patterns with the holiday them at heart. Once completed, these can add such a nice modern touch to the décor you have.

29 Creative DIY Yarn Christmas Decor Ideas to Bring in the Holidays

Decorating for Christmas always brings a sense of fun and excitement, more so considering that there are so many ways you can go when outfitting your home. The use of yarn is just one of many DIY routes to take so that you can create some more personalized decorative items around your home that can be used time and time again. You can create epic, although small, Christmas trees made out of nothing but yarn. Or you can make some creative wreaths to hang on the doors.

Since there are several ways to go about this, we hope that our handmade yarn Christmas home decor ideas help put you on the right track. In no time, you’ll fill up your home with distinctive decorations that will get anybody talking.

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