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22 Fabulous DIY Vase Ideas to Hold your Favorite Flowers with Style

By HomeBNC • Updated on 2023-08-24

It is always nice to have the perfect vase for any occasion. When you get unexpected flowers, throw a dinner party, or simply want somewhere to put your pencils, a vase is a stylish option. Yet sometimes either it feels impossible to find what you are looking for or the cost stretches the budget. That is why this list of 22 fabulous DIY vases is perfect.

22 Gorgeous and Unique DIY Flower Vase Ideas that are Upcycled Perfection

DIY Vase Ideas

Creating your own vase gives you the space and comfort of doing things how you want. You can get the exact color, shape, and look that you desire without having to search and search. Plus, in the end you will probably save a few bucks, too.

Sometimes you may just need a vase for a specific occasion. Many of these options can be altered, with the option to paint over or repurpose as needed from one event to another. In short, you can customize your vase for any flower that may come your way.

Each of the vases here are great starting points for your own creations. You can, of course, follow these instructions line by line, but there is also nothing stopping you from going on your own crafting and creating adventure.

1. Springy Decorative Letter Vases

Springy Decorative Letter Vases

One way to make a statement and display your beautiful floral designs is with letter-shaped vases. You can craft these into any word, initials, or single letter you choose, making them perfect for weddings, birthday, or even everyday use. Be sure to consider how well the flowers will fit when making these hip vases.

2. Upcycled Vase with Lovely Enamel Coating

Upcycled Vase with Lovely Enamel Coating

To achieve a beautiful and expensive-looking vase like this, you need nothing more than some paint and some time. You can take any plain vase whose shape you love and, using a few coats of enamel paint, color it into a decorative masterpiece. You can make beautiful sets from mismatched vases for a fraction of what they would cost to buy.

3. Playfully Designed with White and Gold

Playfully Designed with White and Gold

Before you get started on this project, you want to be sure you have some familiarity with gold foil. It can be tricky to use, but when applied correctly, the results can be stunning. This beautiful vase takes a matte white canvas to a new level with a cute, fun, and simple gold foil design.

4. From Tin Can to Decorative Masterpiece

From Tin Can to Decorative Masterpiece

Repurposing used materials is a DIYer’s dream, especially when you can use something as simple and inexpensive as a tin can. These lovely vases truly are beautiful decorated tins. A tin can is a perfect canvas with its smooth rounded sides, and it can also be redecorated over and over to match your current mood or design theme.

5. Sweet and Simple Lovely Lace Vase

Sweet and Simple Lovely Lace Vase

Sometimes the simplest way to go is best. One very easy yet very effective way to decorate a jar is to add ribbons and lace. Perfect for a wedding or outdoor party, this style can be easily customized so that each jar turned vase matches the flowers or the event décor perfectly.

6. Faux Bois Reused Wine Bottles

Faux Bois Reused Wine Bottles

Wine bottles make great vases thanks to their elegant and lovely shape. They are tall enough to hold long stem roses, but they also offer a fairly large canvas for decorating. When creating your faux bois design, be sure to sketch it first using a dry erase marker to get the look you are hoping to achieve.

7. Adorable Polka Dotted Jar Turned Vase

Adorable Polka Dotted Jar Turned Vase

Everyone has old jars lying around. Whether they once held pickles, prunes, or peanut butter, jars are easy to come by. Why not take that used container and turn it into something extraordinary? A seemingly small design choice like polka dots takes this from jar to vase, adding a touch of sweet and sensible to a room.

8. Birch Vase from Scrapbook Paper

Birch Vase from Scrapbook Paper

With just a few simple elements, these birch vases are both incredibly gorgeous and incredibly easy to create. With a trip to the craft store, you can pick up everything you need to make these natured-themed beauties. Of course, birch isn’t the only scrapbook paper you could use, so have some fun experimenting.

9. Hard and Soft Concrete Vase

Hard and Soft Concrete Vase

Using concrete for a vase is a genius idea. It creates an instant dichotomy of hard and soft, making your flowers, vase, and design choices more interesting. It is amazing that you can create this on your own at home with just some cement and a mailing tube. Try this next time you have peonies to really embrace the look.

10. Outrageous Ombre Juice Jug

Outrageous Ombre Juice Jug

After you have finished your jug of apple cider, don’t just throw it out. Instead, remove the tag and get to painting. Using your favorite color palette, gently blend your shades from dark to light for a fun look and a gorgeous homemade vase that, with its long body, works for many different types of flowers and bouquets.

11. From Jar to Farmhouse Vintage Distressed Vase

From Jar to Farmhouse Vintage Distressed Vase

The distressed look goes perfectly with a rustic or farmhouse feel. It can seem impossible to get that slightly weathered look without years of use, but in reality, a few simple layers of wax and paint can create this effect in just minutes. Make a few for the home, or craft a whole case for a wedding or event.

12. Soft and Sturdy Wool Planter Cover

Soft and Sturdy Wool Planter Cover

Using a lovely woolen planter cover is like giving your favorite greenery a hug. Although the finished look appears complex, this adorable cover is actually fairly easy to achieve. You don’t need to know how to knit or crochet; you simply need to be able to shape wire and weave wool in and out. Make these for yourself or as gifts.

13. Gold Leaf Kissed Vases

Gold Leaf Kissed Vases

With just a beautiful touch of gold, you can transform something plain into something wonderful. Gold leaf, while a little tricky to use, has a delicate look that pairs perfectly with flowers. Just be sure to have a steady hand while using it and to seal it properly, and you will be able to enjoy your homemade vases in no time.

14. Frosted Mini-Vases for Single Stems

Frosted Mini-Vases for Single Stems

Oftentimes stems from the garden are one-offs, and chances are, you aren’t going to be bringing in giant bouquets every day. Small jars are perfect for displaying your one or two daily buds. If you have found the right mini-jars but don’t like the clear glass look, then simply bring in some beautiful frosting spray and go to town.

15. Paint a Vase to Make it New

Paint a Vase to Make it New

This idea is a simple one, but one we too often forget. Simply take a brush and some paint to a vase that needs a little sprucing up, and you have yourself a whole new piece. You can paint the entire thing in one solid color, or, if you are more artistically inclined, you can add small details or characters.

16. Antique Patina Metal Look Mason Jar

Antique Patina Metal Look Mason Jar

Source: suburble.com

Crafting a mason jar so that it appears metal is not an easy task, but it is one that any DIYer can accomplish with time and patience. These awesome jars are crafted to look like old copper containers, giving off a stunning antique vibe. This effect will add a touch of vintage to any bouquet.

17. Spray-Painted and Silkscreened Wine Bottle

Spray-Painted and Silkscreened Wine Bottle

The effect of this DIY vase is amazing; when your friends see it, they will hardly believe you were able to craft it at home. Starting with some simple spray paint, you need only to find a good stencil to create the lacey pattern. Be sure to play around with different colors and details like the lace topper.

18. Cut and Glued Simple Wooden Vases

Cut and Glued Simple Wooden Vases

If you have a saw at home, then this project is super simple. You need only draw, cut, and glue your pieces before you have a great vase. Of course, adding paints and other details will enhance the look of your vase. Keep the whole thing very natural by filling it with overflowing ferns or greenery.

19. Golden Spray-Painted Cylinders

Golden Spray-Painted Cylinders

With a little newspaper to protect the glass and a touch of spray paint, you can create something lovely out of something that had once seemed so ordinary. Try this technique whenever you want to enhance the look of an old glass jar or any glass container that you feel has potential to become something more.

20. Swirling Blue and White Painted Vases

Swirling Blue and White Painted Vases

A real showstopper, these vases scream expensive but can be created with your own two hands. Using some fun and clever paint techniques, you can swirl these out at home. As with many DIY undertakings, it is probably best to practice on a small item to perfect your technique before moving on to larger pieces.

21. Cute and Playful Chalk Board Vase

Cute and Playful Chalk Board Vase

Imagine being able not only to leave your sweetheart flowers but also to add an adorable message to the vase itself. This clever use of chalkboard paint lets you write little notes on your otherwise plain vase to make it special and new each and every time. Here you can combine the gift of flowers with the gift of words.

22. Painted Pink Milk Bottle

Painted Pink Milk Bottle

A milk bottle is probably the most adorable of jars. With its cute simplicity, it reminds people of happy and simple times. A touch of pink only enhances its adorability. Great for a baby shower or just to have on hand, these jars can be painted any color using your brush or even your finger for a flawless blend.

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